This multilingual tourist family will surprise you with its unconventional charm. Relying on the kind of cooperation and conflict that only a family with teenagers can have, together they perform a musical, acrobatic and entertaining show that can only be accomplished when everyone is united behind a common goal.
The Camus family consists of Gaby & Henry Camus, aka Duo Full House, who have been performing around the world for over thirty years with their action-comedy shows (for example they have been on tour several times with the Swiss National Circus Knie). They are joined by their two youngsters, Viviana & Dominic, who feel as much at home performing music, acrobatics and dance as their parents do. Let yourself be carried away into the captivating world of family Camus!
He’s the family patriarch, convinced that he’s the only one that supports the family physically and financially, although he does tend to get lost sometimes and is quite happy to have the rest of the gang save the day.
Without her, the whole family would fall apart. However, it is quite curious that for someone who orchestrates the whole family, she has distinctly square musical talents.
She dances, she sings, she's great at school, but her room looks like a pack of wolverines were fighting in it and when there’s housework to be done, she magically disappears.
He's completed all 12 Assassin’s Creeds with distinction, saved the Princess countless times, and brought Cuphead honor in his conquests, but other than that and sleeping until noon, he’s not going to do much else. Lucky for the family he plays a mean funky beat on his drum set-suitcase.
She only eats, sleeps and poops. That's why we leave her at home and she doesn't come on tour with us.